Friday, May 29, 2009

Fitness Friday

May's almost over & I didn't make my goal. (I have 2 more days to lose 5 more pounds) So- I'm alittle disappointed. I have been pretty good this week. I used the wiifit & ate pretty healthy. I had a piece of pizza & alittle salad at 8:30 pm on Tuesday night. I know I shouldn't have so I did 30 minutes free step aerobics to make up for it. All week I really haven't lost any weight, I've been up & down. So-now that it's Friday & todays weigh in counts- I'm at 23.64 & 138. Really about the same as last week.(23.67 & 138) I think I've lost 1/2 pound. That really is making me rethink & try something eles. I love the Wiifit & will continue to do it. I like weighing in everyday & doing my 30 minute routine but I'm thinking that I need to do more. I'm going to start counting calories & make sure I burn enough calories & do enough activity to lose more weight. I know that it's harder to lose those last 10-15 pounds than the 1st ones. I guess I need to try harder. I'm going to stick with it & try some new stuff too. I'm thinking that besides being more aware of what I'm eating, I need to work-out longer. I would love to get the EA Sports Active Game but at this time I don't have the money to spend on it. I'm going to set a new goal for June & try to lose 10 more pounds.(That was my goal for May & I lost 5 pounds) I should be happy & I am But...


Colleen said...

those last pounds I have heard are the most difficult to get to..I am sure you will do it soon though!

Auntie E said...

I like the WiiFit also, however other type with it will work well. I have posted my fitness friday and the next few weeks I will be writing about some online options. come by a take a read:-)

Anonymous said...

I think the lighter you get, the harder it is to lose. I lost a lot faster when I was 200+ but now that I'm inching toward my goal of 125, it's going a lot slower. I know you can do it and I'm super proud of the progress you've made!