Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Check out GiveBack.Org and Join Today

One2One Network introduced a place where you can raise money.. Just by Joining and shopping online... like you normally would. You can earn up to 15% from stores that you would normally shop online. Do all your Christmas shopping and feel good about it, knowing that your favorite charity will be rewarded.

GiveBack allows you to do all your giving in one place, without hassle or any complexities. Any charity, any time, any amount.

Join now... It's so easy!!! I just did and I donated money to the SUSAN G KOMEN BREAST CANCER FOUNDATION (my local one). I picked this charity because one of my good friends, (39 years old)just found out she has breast cancer. She's already undergone a double mastectomy and is going to be starting Chemo therapy this next week.

What are you waiting for? Find out more about GiveBack by visiting

*Disclosure: I am a member of the one2onenetwork and by sharing this information with you, I have a chance to win prizes including a dontaion to my charity.*

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